Blog 11

After thoroughly reading my essay over and over again, I got a strong idea as to what words I rely on heavily.  My transition for paragraph to paragraph are really weak. I leave it very vague which makes it hard to follow. Adding words like “in addition”, “for instance”, or “in other words” would help make my paper easier for someone to read. It will add clarity and ultimately strengthen my paper.  I tend to start my sentences off with “the.” This is not only boring and uninteresting, but it leads to poorly written essay that will not open the readers eyes and cause them to think about what they just read. The repetition of this word does not benefit me as it has no special meaning within the essay. The words “art” is repeated sporadically throughout the essay to force the reader to pick up on t. In doing so, the reader will symbolically attach to the word throughout the essay. It will open new ways of thinking and allow the reader to connect and ideas presented. I feel throughout my essay I provide many pointer words that can direct my reader in the direction I want them to. having these words within an essay establishes a comforting flow that can give the reader a good groove when reading.

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