In this piece of art, the artist is detail oriented to the brush stroke. They are careful to select certain colors such as blue that is cool and inviting. The painting is very welcoming and demonstrates compassion and care. Nurses embody all of these qualities and it reflects on their care of the patient. Having the hands centered of the painting catches the eyes first and draws your attention. As the viewer, I think of nurses and how nurses put so much care and effort into patient care. Nursing is an art in which careful decisions and precise measurements must be made in order to provide proper care. Like the artist, nurses have to decide what is best for the patient where the artist has to decide what is best for the painting. Assessing imperfections can also be contrasted to the two professions. Nurses have to examine the patient with due diligence like the artist has to assess color schemes and tools to create a painting. Nursing involves a lot of time and care likewise to an artist. The nursing profession in numerous ways is an art. Things do not come easy nor are they always hard. Nurses have the main focus on the well being of the patients and try everyday to achieve proper health. It takes special skills such as observational skills, avoiding bias, and the continuation of research to be exceptional in both professions. Nursing to me is very important and special. I appreciate that I have the opportunity to protect and care for people who are in need. I respect all of the wholesome qualities that nurses hold and reflect on the patients. I am excited to be able to put my knowledge to the test in critical situations.
Michael, this is a very popular painting with the nursing students and you can certainly see why. I am not sure I have read such a fine insight and interpretation of the painting as you have written. I love your analogy to the brush strokes and nursing…very insightful. Great work!
I have read many interpretations of the same photo as it is very popular. Your analogy is superior and instills a perspective that I, myself, have not thought of. I especially enjoyed your comparison of nursing to color schemes and actual tools used for painting.