
My clinical experiences have done a lot more than just provide me with the skills and knowledge to provide care for patients. Each rotation, I had a strong instructor who was very willing and open to helping nursing students. These instructors demonstrated the required skills to be a successful leader and nurse. I am going to interview my clinical instructor Beth Trombley, from Maine Medical Center, who demonstrated great characteristics of being a leader. This decision was not easy as each instructor had their own way of conducting things. I selected this specific individual as I got the opportunity to learn from them for two semesters. Beth is a very knowledgeable individual who takes pride in their work. She is dedicated to her craft and seeks out new learning opportunities when they arise. She has been a nurse for about 12 years and is often the charge nurse on her floor. Beth holds qualities such as having great self-awareness, communication, and influence on those around her. These ultimately lead her to being an effective leader within her floor and within the community. Her leadership position is formal as she is the charge nurse on her floor. She delegates tasks efficiently, problem solves with ease, and cooperates with other nurses and medical professions to get to the bottom of issues. With this, her leadership role can also be informal when she is not the charge nurse. In this situation, she has great experience and knowledge to be able to help others when in need. Beth has created a great reputation for herself, and I am excited to learn more about her role. I am most interested in how she manages conflict between hospital staff and the patient themselves. I am also interested in learning about how ethical situations have been handled and how they have affected her outlook on being a nurse. I look forward to this interview opportunity to better myself and to sharpen my qualities.

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