From Inquiry Through Discovery

After thorough development or our PICOT question and retrieving peer edited articles, we found that some revision was needed. We decided to look at a broader age group in which we included anyone receiving the medical marijuana with any age. This helped in finding more article as needed for our paper. In continuation of developing our paper, we looked in depth at each article chosen to compare results and see if they would fit in the scheme of our paper. We want to create a connection between the articles that include the major nursing theory. This was not as easy as it seemed and developed challenges. First was in choosing a theme that correlates with he articles and the scheme of the paper that we want to deliver. This in itself presented a challenge as there was not many theories that we could intertwine into the paper. This made us question some of our sources and we decided to take a look for other sources that could present new information. In doing so, did not completely resolve our issue, rather, gave us more knowledge of our topic and how to discuss it in our paper. With these challenges came success. We were successful in defining what our articles mean and how they relate to each other. With the class activities, we were able to understand what the articles meant and how the information is presented relates to what we need to know. This was not an easy task and required work but we now have a better understanding of what each article is trying to portray. This project has been a challenging one but with determination to succeed, these challenges have been over come so far.
