Appraisal and Synthesis

Our topic of discussion has been very interesting to use. We have found articles that follow on both sides of for and against the use of cannabis for symptoms related for Parkinson’s disease. This disease has no cure so it is the job of the health care team to explore and find new treatment options that best suites the patient. Our research and analysis of our articles made us really think about ethics and how they can play a role in what treatments work some patients. Some cultures and religions may be against the use of cannabis, but the nurse should always educate patients on the variety of options that they have. Without education, the patient could be left guessing what to do rather than making an informed decision.

This critical appraisal did not change my mind, rather, enforce what I had expected. I knew cannabis could play a role in sleep and muscle tenacity in patient’s who have Parkinson’s disease. I am family with Michael J Fox who is currently sufferings from mild Parkinson’s. We watched videos on him to get a better understanding of how the disease works and affects patients. Our findings still lead us to resort to further research before providing a strong recommendation for or against. This does lead me to follow up on the topic as more research is found out about the efficacy. My teammate and I both agreed with the articles that are pro cannabis as they can be affective. The process of articulating the paper has been a challenge. We both have very expansive minds that can counteract each others views. We debated and both came down to the same consensus. Our writing styles are both different as well but I feel like this can compliment our paper by providing different views intertwined with each other. I feel like our hard work through this process of figuring out our challenges will ultimately benefit us.
