Electronic Health Records

The use of electronic health records can be very important in when it comes to patient care. The patient’s information is uploaded in real-time so that all people holding the capability can look when needed. Having the records held online allows for easy access and control over their own records. The health records can include diagnosis, medications, immunizations, allergies, lab results, and so on. The implementation of HIE and electronic health records is a huge jump the medical field. These records can be accessed on smart phones, tablets, and anywhere internet access iv available. This can allow physicians and the health care team to access this data when needed.

HIE allows the health care team to be more efficient and provide better quality when it comes to patient care. Instead of forcing the medical staff to hold records in filing cabinets or in boxes, it is all virtual and at the providers fingertips. Having information such as vital signs submitted in real-time, it can reduce the readmission risk, reduce medication errors, decrease duplication of testing, and improve how physicians diagnose patients. HIE also provides safe and confidential information so that each patient knows who is viewing their information and when they view the information. This tracking system that is apart of HIE is used to prevent any breaches in HIPAA and ensures only the allowed people to view the records. Electronic health records can enhance how care is provided to all patients.
