Prepare for Transition

My first nursing job is right around the corner and I have a lot of mixed feelings. There is this feeling that I may not be successful, that I could possibly not know enough information or on the complete opposite side, I could be an amazing nurse. It is hard to gauge what the correct outcome will be until I actually work my first job. With these mixed emotions, I am excited to be a part of a strong working force whose target goal is to help people. I am most excited that I will get to select where I would like to work. This allows me to give even better care as the area of specialty is something, I am interested in.

A lot of factors will come into play when determining if I will have success on the NCLEX. The ATI nurse modules that I did will help contribute to my success. These modules talked a lot about important things such as math, procedures, and knowledge. This information is key and is a part of virtually every question on the NCLEX.

With this excitement comes a part of me that is a little anxious. I am concerned that I may not have all the right answers. I know no one does but, my personality strives on being the best that I can be. With this, I know to ask numerous questions and take a careful listen to what everyone is trying to tell me. I am also concerned that the area of specialty that I chose to work in may not be what I am most happy doing. Resolving this will only come when I have my first day on the job.

Preparing for my weekly study will be very important. This will require a proper amount of time management and dedication to a constructed schedule. A proper schedule that allows enough time for each activity is very helpful when it comes to making sure everything is done. I will set small goals that will be my building blocks to achieving the main objective. These goals will be manageable, revolve around the simple task, and be done in a timely fashion to optimize my ability.

One Reply to “Prepare for Transition”

  1. Mike, know that you are not alone in your mixed feelings – they are shared by pretty much every senior nursing student/new grad. Believe in yourself and be confident that you will be well-prepared. You’ve got this!

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