Adult Health 4 Reflection

This course has brought to light a lot of knowledge about aging adults. I have learned numerous things about their physical, emotional, and social aspects that formulate who they are. They are faced with many challenges as they develop through the final stages of Erickson’s Theory. The content of this course has supplied me with the knowledge to be able to provide better care to these patients as I begin my journey into nursing. I have a better understanding on how to react to certain situations in order to make every individual feel the respect and dignity that they deserve.

            A key piece that was learned through this course was sexuality. I have not thought about inquiring with my patients about how they identify and if I can help them with the special needs they may need. An often-overlooked component, sexuality can make a difference in whether a patient feels comfortable with their situation or not. These circumstances can be harder when in a long-term care facility. A nurse should provide their patient with time alone with their significant other which can promote a sense of individuality. Providing a safe environment where they can be themselves can help their emotions as they continue to age. All of my patients should feel comfortable in their own skin and a nurse can help facilitate this. This can be done by being a person that the patient can trust and feel confident talking to. It may not be easy for patients to go through this process alone and having someone there who understands is key.

            Another key component that provided important insight was the concept of elder abuse. This discussed how prevalent it is among the aging population and how to identify signs that can be indictive of abuse. This can be sexual, physical, or even emotional abuse that can negatively affect the health of the patient. Nurses should be able to recognize and identify when they suspect an individual is being abused. They also should provide support by allowing the patient to freely express themselves in a safe manner. It can be challenging for abuse victims to share what is happening due to fear, but nurses should use therapeutic communication and reassure them that they are there to listen. Learning about this information can help me guide my future patients through this process. I will be the one to give a helping hand in pursuit of improving their wellbeing.
